LETTERS to IRV     "The way to heaven"

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April/28/2020 10.52 a.m.

~~I am still in April and I see an 'Evolutionary Devolution' around me and this has been paralysing me so much immensely and I once more feel so much shy that the humans' materialistic endless desires have reached the natural resources in the North, under the melting İcebergs and I feel so much worried about this crucial geographic and geopolitic location~well~as far as meta has surpassed the human being this much then I, myself`; as a member of this unique Planet ,have to take my measures very carefully~~then this means; this 'black invisible time' can be called: ' Evolutionary Devolution' and this also means the fact of human being has been cleared away for years and maybe for centuries~~I really cant' see and reach any noteworthy information of a very important exploration except; Windows and Google and maybe Face Book and no other noteworthy exploration for human health~~nothing at all~~no enough treatments for almost no diseases, yet~~ Well~~we all need to move for 'The movement of the Planetarium' to start 'the evolutonary revolution' as soon as posibble~~never is late to reach our real origin human formations~~we need to use them for all the members of this endlessly beautifully created Planett~~before it is too late~~I do invite you all to move and act for this very important and sensitive  movement~~Come on everybody~~

With all my heart,
